We have already seen that the destination matters on a spiritual journey, but we must remember that each individual step matters, too. An example of this can be seen in the creation account of Genesis 1. It contains a wonderful phrase over and over again. “It was good.” The light was good. The land was good. The seas were good. The plants were good. Each part of creation was good. At the end, the whole of creation was very good.
Each day was a step leading toward the completed creation. God could have accomplished all of creation in a single event, or could have inspired the author of Genesis to lump it all together and simply say, “First, God made everything.” Instead, though, God shared the details. Each step was worth describing. Each step was worth enjoying. Each step pointed to the next one. And all of the steps led to completion. It was very good!
The steps in creation have parallels in the life of the church. We can look at it very broadly (Christ sent the Holy Spirit and will return for the church, His bride), or we can enjoy and learn from the steps along the way, each one pointing to the next, and all of them leading to the joyful celebration in Revelation.
Steps in the life of the church are marked by the moving of the Holy Spirit, which continues to move and to mold the church. For example, in one step the Spirit moved powerfully through the body of the church in Germany during the 1600s and the church experienced dramatic growth. Stepping forward, Gerhard Tersteegen grew up under the influence of this movement. Although he was a merchant by vocation, he was recognized as a gifted speaker and writer in the Reformed Church. Some of his writings achieved international acclaim during his lifetime. Another step: many of his hymns were translated into English, including Thou Hidden Love of God, which was translated by John Wesley. Wesley was among the leading evangelists of the Great Awakening. The Great Awakening was another step reflecting the Holy Spirit as it continued to move powerfully in the life of the church. Step by step the Spirit moved. Step by step leaders were raised. Step by step. Step by step.
The Holy Spirit still moves today. It moves the church forward step by step, and it moves each of God’s people forward step by step. Tersteegan understood the importance of making each step count. Think of the step you are taking on your pilgrim journey as you read these lines from Thou Hidden Love of God:
Is there a thing beneath the sun
that strives with thee my heart to share?
Ah, tear it thence and reign alone,
the Lord of every motion there;
then shall my heart from earth be free,
when it hath found repose in thee.
Make sure that the step you are taking right now is good, just like each step of creation was good. And let all of your steps lead you to the foot of the cross. That will be very good.
God bless you.
Follow the Path!
[Use with It Was Good, day 4 of A Labyrinth Pilgrimage]