A Path to Share

We are on a journey to the foot of the cross.  Although this journey may be a unique experience for us as individuals, the journey itself is not unique to us.  Other pilgrims have gone before us.  More will follow behind us.  But today is what we have right now, and today other pilgrims are traveling with us.

With all of these other pilgrims on the journey, we need to learn to manage relationships.  Some pilgrims will influence us.  We will influence some of them.  Sometimes in good ways.  Sometimes not so good.

Cain had problems with relationships.  His relationship with Abel was murderous.  His relationship with his parents wasn’t even mentioned.  The key to it all, though, was his weak relationship with God.  When God first approached Cain about his unhappiness, Cain did not even respond.  Had he listened and spoken with God, it would have affected all of his other relationships.  By shutting God out of his life, Cain doomed himself to life without the love and joy and happiness that only God can bring.

The same is true for each of us.  We must look to God and listen to God.  When that relationship is right, the rest of our relationships can be good.

Charles Wesley wrote Jesus, Lord, We Look to Thee.  Line by line and verse by verse, the hymn lays out the ways that our relationship with God shapes our lives and the ways that we can interact with others around us in a spirit of Christian love and fellowship.

Let us for each other care,
each the other’s burdens bear;
to thy church the pattern give,
show how true believers live.

We are on a journey to the foot of the cross.  It is a path we share with so many others.  Where can we look except to Jesus?  Look to Jesus and find God’s love.  Then share that love along the way.

Follow the Path!

[Use with Relationships Gone Awry, day 15 of A Labyrinth Pilgrimage]

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